英文原文是Matt Warren 发表在MSDN Blogs的系列文章之一,英文渣渣,翻译不供参考 ,请直接看原文 。
类,现在我们来构建一个真正有用的提供程序。我之前说过,一个查询提供程序所做的事就是执行一些“代码”,这些“代码”使用表达式树而不是真正的IL语言来定义。当然,这并不一定是传统意义上的执行。比如说,LINQ to SQL就是将查询表达式翻译为SQL然后送到服务器中去执行的。
我下面给出的示例与LINQ to SQL有点类似,都是针对一个DAO provider对查询进行翻译和执行。但是,我要做个免责声明,在任何意义上,我给出的示例都不是一个完整的提供程序。我只会翻译Where
将查询翻译为SQL命令 将执行命令得到的结果转换为对象 The Query TranslatorQueryTranslator
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你看,这里虽然没有多少东西,但是也相当复杂。我所支持的表达式树充其量就是具有两个参数的方法调用节点,这两个参数一个是调用源(argument 0),一个是谓词(argument 1)。看上面的VisitMethodCall
方法,生成SELECT * FROM (
,递归访问调用源然后拼接上) AS T WHERE
类的实例的constant节点代表了递归到最后的实际的数据表,于是我将SELECT * FROM
1 2 Query<Customers> customers = ...; IQueryable<Customers> q = customers.Where(c => c.City == "London" );
1 SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM Customers) AS T WHERE (City = ‘London’)
The Object Reader对象读取器的作用是将SQL查询返回的结果转换为对象。我写了一个简单的类,它的构造方法以DbDataReader
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来拼接SQL,这是不可避免的,因为程序没有办法知道结果中的列的顺序。注意,一般来说不建议在生产代码中使用SELECT *
The Provider有了上面的两个类和上篇文章中定义的类,现在已经可以很容易就把它们结合起来,写出一个真正的IQueryable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 public class DbQueryProvider : QueryProvider { DbConnection connection; public DbQueryProvider (DbConnection connection ) { this .connection = connection; } public override string GetQueryText (Expression expression ) { return this .Translate(expression); } public override object Execute (Expression expression ) { DbCommand cmd = this .connection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = this .Translate(expression); DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Type elementType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(expression.Type); return Activator.CreateInstance( typeof (ObjectReader<>).MakeGenericType(elementType), BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null , new object [] { reader }, null ); } private string Translate (Expression expression ) { return new QueryTranslator().Translate(expression); } }
Trying it Out现在,我们已经有了一个提供程序,让我们来写个demo试试看。仿照LINQ to SQL的模式,我定义了一个对应于Customers表的类,一个保存了查询对象(根查询)的“Context”,和一个使用了它们的小程序。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 public class Customers { public string CustomerID; public string ContactName; public string Phone; public string City; public string Country; } public class Orders { public int OrderID; public string CustomerID; public DateTime OrderDate; } public class Northwind { public Query<Customers> Customers; public Query<Orders> Orders; public Northwind (DbConnection connection ) { QueryProvider provider = new DbQueryProvider(connection); this .Customers = new Query<Customers>(provider); this .Orders = new Query<Orders>(provider); } } class Program { static void Main (string [] args ) { string constr = @"…" ; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr)) { con.Open(); Northwind db = new Northwind(con); IQueryable<Customers> query = db.Customers.Where(c => c.City == "London" ); Console.WriteLine("Query:\n{0}\n" , query); var list = query.ToList(); foreach (var item in list) { Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}" , item.ContactName); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Query: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM Customers) AS T WHERE (City = 'London') Name: Thomas Hardy Name: Victoria Ashworth Name: Elizabeth Brown Name: Ann Devon Name: Simon Crowther Name: Hari Kumar
别急,还有更精彩的。查看Part III 。
APPENDIX – The Expression Visitor吊了这么久胃口,我感觉向我要ExpressionVisitor
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switch (exp.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.Negate: case ExpressionType.NegateChecked: case ExpressionType.Not: case ExpressionType.Convert: case ExpressionType.ConvertChecked: case ExpressionType.ArrayLength: case ExpressionType.Quote: case ExpressionType.TypeAs: return this .VisitUnary((UnaryExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.Add: case ExpressionType.AddChecked: case ExpressionType.Subtract: case ExpressionType.SubtractChecked: case ExpressionType.Multiply: case ExpressionType.MultiplyChecked: case ExpressionType.Divide: case ExpressionType.Modulo: case ExpressionType.And: case ExpressionType.AndAlso: case ExpressionType.Or: case ExpressionType.OrElse: case ExpressionType.LessThan: case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: case ExpressionType.Equal: case ExpressionType.NotEqual: case ExpressionType.Coalesce: case ExpressionType.ArrayIndex: case ExpressionType.RightShift: case ExpressionType.LeftShift: case ExpressionType.ExclusiveOr: return this .VisitBinary((BinaryExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.TypeIs: return this .VisitTypeIs((TypeBinaryExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.Conditional: return this .VisitConditional((ConditionalExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.Constant: return this .VisitConstant((ConstantExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.Parameter: return this .VisitParameter((ParameterExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.MemberAccess: return this .VisitMemberAccess((MemberExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.Call: return this .VisitMethodCall((MethodCallExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.Lambda: return this .VisitLambda((LambdaExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.New: return this .VisitNew((NewExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.NewArrayInit: case ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds: return this .VisitNewArray((NewArrayExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.Invoke: return this .VisitInvocation((InvocationExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.MemberInit: return this .VisitMemberInit((MemberInitExpression)exp); case ExpressionType.ListInit: return this .VisitListInit((ListInitExpression)exp); default : throw new Exception(string .Format("Unhandled expression type: '{0}'" , exp.NodeType)); } } protected virtual MemberBinding VisitBinding (MemberBinding binding ) { switch (binding.BindingType) { case MemberBindingType.Assignment: return this .VisitMemberAssignment((MemberAssignment)binding); case MemberBindingType.MemberBinding: return this .VisitMemberMemberBinding((MemberMemberBinding)binding); case MemberBindingType.ListBinding: return this .VisitMemberListBinding((MemberListBinding)binding); default : throw new Exception(string .Format("Unhandled binding type '{0}'" , binding.BindingType)); } } protected virtual ElementInit VisitElementInitializer (ElementInit initializer ) { ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> arguments = this .VisitExpressionList(initializer.Arguments); if (arguments != initializer.Arguments) { return Expression.ElementInit(initializer.AddMethod, arguments); } return initializer; } protected virtual Expression VisitUnary (UnaryExpression u ) { Expression operand = this .Visit(u.Operand); if (operand != u.Operand) { return Expression.MakeUnary(u.NodeType, operand, u.Type, u.Method); } return u; } protected virtual Expression VisitBinary (BinaryExpression b ) { Expression left = this .Visit(b.Left); Expression right = this .Visit(b.Right); Expression conversion = this .Visit(b.Conversion); if (left != b.Left || right != b.Right || conversion != b.Conversion) { if (b.NodeType == ExpressionType.Coalesce && b.Conversion != null ) return Expression.Coalesce(left, right, conversion as LambdaExpression); else return Expression.MakeBinary(b.NodeType, left, right, b.IsLiftedToNull, b.Method); } return b; } protected virtual Expression VisitTypeIs (TypeBinaryExpression b ) { Expression expr = this .Visit(b.Expression); if (expr != b.Expression) { return Expression.TypeIs(expr, b.TypeOperand); } return b; } protected virtual Expression VisitConstant (ConstantExpression c ) { return c; } protected virtual Expression VisitConditional (ConditionalExpression c ) { Expression test = this .Visit(c.Test); Expression ifTrue = this .Visit(c.IfTrue); Expression ifFalse = this .Visit(c.IfFalse); if (test != c.Test || ifTrue != c.IfTrue || ifFalse != c.IfFalse) { return Expression.Condition(test, ifTrue, ifFalse); } return c; } protected virtual Expression VisitParameter (ParameterExpression p ) { return p; } protected virtual Expression VisitMemberAccess (MemberExpression m ) { Expression exp = this .Visit(m.Expression); if (exp != m.Expression) { return Expression.MakeMemberAccess(exp, m.Member); } return m; } protected virtual Expression VisitMethodCall (MethodCallExpression m ) { Expression obj = this .Visit(m.Object); IEnumerable<Expression> args = this .VisitExpressionList(m.Arguments); if (obj != m.Object || args != m.Arguments) { return Expression.Call(obj, m.Method, args ); } return m; } protected virtual ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> VisitExpressionList (ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> original ) { List<Expression> list = null ; for (int i = 0 , n = original.Count; i < n; i++) { Expression p = this .Visit(original[i]); if (list != null ) { list.Add(p); } else if (p != original[i]) { list = new List<Expression>(n); for (int j = 0 ; j < i; j++) { list.Add(original[j]); } list.Add(p); } } if (list != null ) { return list.AsReadOnly(); } return original; } protected virtual MemberAssignment VisitMemberAssignment (MemberAssignment assignment ) { Expression e = this .Visit(assignment.Expression); if (e != assignment.Expression) { return Expression.Bind(assignment.Member, e); } return assignment; } protected virtual MemberMemberBinding VisitMemberMemberBinding (MemberMemberBinding binding ) { IEnumerable<MemberBinding> bindings = this .VisitBindingList(binding.Bindings); if (bindings != binding.Bindings) { return Expression.MemberBind(binding.Member, bindings); } return binding; } protected virtual MemberListBinding VisitMemberListBinding (MemberListBinding binding ) { IEnumerable<ElementInit> initializers = this .VisitElementInitializerList(binding.Initializers); if (initializers != binding.Initializers) { return Expression.ListBind(binding.Member, initializers); } return binding; } protected virtual IEnumerable<MemberBinding> VisitBindingList (ReadOnlyCollection<MemberBinding> original ) { List<MemberBinding> list = null ; for (int i = 0 , n = original.Count; i < n; i++) { MemberBinding b = this .VisitBinding(original[i]); if (list != null ) { list.Add(b); } else if (b != original[i]) { list = new List<MemberBinding>(n); for (int j = 0 ; j < i; j++) { list.Add(original[j]); } list.Add(b); } } if (list != null ) return list; return original; } protected virtual IEnumerable<ElementInit> VisitElementInitializerList (ReadOnlyCollection<ElementInit> original ) { List<ElementInit> list = null ; for (int i = 0 , n = original.Count; i < n; i++) { ElementInit init = this .VisitElementInitializer(original[i]); if (list != null ) { list.Add(init ); } else if (init != original[i]) { list = new List<ElementInit>(n); for (int j = 0 ; j < i; j++) { list.Add(original[j]); } list.Add(init ); } } if (list != null ) return list; return original; } protected virtual Expression VisitLambda (LambdaExpression lambda ) { Expression body = this .Visit(lambda.Body); if (body != lambda.Body) { return Expression.Lambda(lambda.Type, body, lambda.Parameters); } return lambda; } protected virtual NewExpression VisitNew (NewExpression nex ) { IEnumerable<Expression> args = this .VisitExpressionList(nex.Arguments); if (args != nex.Arguments) { if (nex.Members != null ) return Expression.New(nex.Constructor, args , nex.Members); else return Expression.New(nex.Constructor, args ); } return nex; } protected virtual Expression VisitMemberInit (MemberInitExpression init ) { NewExpression n = this .VisitNew(init .NewExpression); IEnumerable<MemberBinding> bindings = this .VisitBindingList(init .Bindings); if (n != init .NewExpression || bindings != init .Bindings) { return Expression.MemberInit(n, bindings); } return init ; } protected virtual Expression VisitListInit (ListInitExpression init ) { NewExpression n = this .VisitNew(init .NewExpression); IEnumerable<ElementInit> initializers = this .VisitElementInitializerList(init .Initializers); if (n != init .NewExpression || initializers != init .Initializers) { return Expression.ListInit(n, initializers); } return init ; } protected virtual Expression VisitNewArray (NewArrayExpression na ) { IEnumerable<Expression> exprs = this .VisitExpressionList(na.Expressions); if (exprs != na.Expressions) { if (na.NodeType == ExpressionType.NewArrayInit) { return Expression.NewArrayInit(na.Type.GetElementType(), exprs); } else { return Expression.NewArrayBounds(na.Type.GetElementType(), exprs); } } return na; } protected virtual Expression VisitInvocation (InvocationExpression iv ) { IEnumerable<Expression> args = this .VisitExpressionList(iv.Arguments); Expression expr = this .Visit(iv.Expression); if (args != iv.Arguments || expr != iv.Expression) { return Expression.Invoke(expr, args ); } return iv; } }